
Powerful African Spells for Life

If you want to use a particular spell, but don’t have all the materials that it calls for, consider substituting something similar. Many experienced witches write their own spells. So feel free to take the love spells below as an example and change them to suit your needs. It would be the same as writing your own spell. If you aren’t sure how to do that, you may wish to read a book on Wicca to get started on your magical journey.

Whether magic works for you depends on your attitude more than anything else. For spells to be effective, it’s important that you have a positive attitude towards achieving your goal. It’s best to perform spells for goals that you think are reachable. Magick doesn’t work the way you see on TV, where you can simply point your finger and zap someone. You also will not be given god-like powers. Magick is a tool. It’s similar to prayer or creative visualization. Magick helps you focus your energy and intention so that you’re more likely to achieve your goals.

Powerful African Spells for Life
Powerful African Spells for Life

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Bungoma, Nyanza and Western, Kenya